Legal Notices

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Registration Number: HRB 731

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Information about the Website

References and Links

When referring to direct and indirect pages of third parties (links) that lie outside the responsibility of the authors, a liability obligation would only come into force in cases when authors have knowledge of those contents and are technically able to prevent access in cases of unlawful contents. 

The authors explicitly make clear that at the time when the link was inserted, there was no illegal content noted in the linked web pages. In the current and future design, the authors exercise no impact over the links’ content and authorship.

Copyright and Identification Law

The authors strive to observe the copyrights of used graphs and texts in all publications and use their own graphs and texts or license-free ones.  All trademarks and brands that appear on our webpage or are protected brands of third parties are fully subject to applicable labelling and copyrights laws.

By solely naming trademarks or brands, a conclusion is not to be drawn that they are not protected by the rights of a third party! The copyright for author’s provided and published objects remains only with the authors of those sites. A multiplication or utilization of such graphs and texts in other electronic or print publications is not permitted without a written consent of the authors.

Picture Credits

All pictures, photos and graphs on this webpage are copyright protected. Banner images and pictures used have either been made available to us or are of own production. We express our gratitude to photographer Jan Felber for his support.